“I Can Hear You, You’re Coming In Loud and Clear” – Ellie Discusses Hearing Troubles and Cell Phones

Chuck and Ellie rely on their phones not only for emergencies and health reasons but for connection and communication with loved ones as well.

Ellie has struggled with hearing from her cell phone for years due to hearing loss, “She’s lost 100 percent of her hearing in one ear, and she has only 12% left in the other ear,” says Chuck, Ellie’s husband.

“She wears two of the most powerful, best aides we could find, and it still is a very minimal improvement on certain things,” he continues, before John meets Ellie for a test call on the porch.

Ellie’s ability to hear Chuck “Loud and Clear” makes a heartfelt moment as she explains some of the frustrations of hearing with modern cell phones and devices.

Thank you to Ellie and Chuck Kinne from Upstate NY. Filmed by Robert Geoffredo


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